Sooo i've just come back from a job interview loaded up Overwatch to play a few games, and turns out the anniversary event is now live!!

Happy Playing Everyone!!

LD x

OW Animated Shorts RANKING.

Hiya Cavalry Watch!

It's Monday, possible the worst day of the week. So lets make it better by watching some of the overwatch animated shorts! I've had a long thought about what order i would put them in, starting with my least favourite to my favourite.

10. 'Infiltration'

In this animated short Reaper, Widowmaker and Sombra try to assisinate the CEO of Volskaya Industry. Sombra makes a deal with Katya Volskaya by blackmailing her, saying she will leak pictures of Katya working with the omnics. Katya then calls to the help of Zarya.

I put this one last because when i first watched it, i was confused. I wasn't quite sure what was going on, until i rewatched it a second time. It makes sense if you know the history of the Omnic wars in Russia.

I would of liked to see a animated short of just Sombra, maybe before she joined Talon or at least explaining her motifs for going behind Talons back. But then i guess, its her character. She's a hacker, we aren't meant to know a lot about her has she has 'deleted' her identity.

However i like how it leaves you on a cliff hanger and they have a comic to follow up.

(I also hate the Volskaya Industry map)

9.  'Hero'

This short follows a young girl called Ali, on her way to buy flour for her mothers bakery. She stumbles across a group of boys beating up an Omnic. The boys take Ali's money. Whilst running to catch up with the boys, Ali gets caught in a gang bust. One gang member pulls the pin on a grenade and Solider 76 steps in to save the day. 

I do like this animated short but i felt it was easy to guess what was going to happen next. This was one of the first animated short and i think it really sold the game. However i'm just not appealed to it as the other animated shorts in this list. 

8. 'The Last Bastion'

In this animation we see the last remaining Bastion waking up as he befriends a small bird. Through his journey through the forest, Bastion gains flashbacks to the Omnic wars.

I found this animation very moving. It was nice to see the flashback to the Omnic wars as we get a feel just to how powerful the Omnic's are and who fought in the war. Even though the Bastions where the 'bad guys' back then, it makes me feel sorry for the Bastion as he seems such a lovely Omnic. Trying to place this short was really difficult as it is one of my favourites but content wise its not as great as the other animated shorts. 

7. 'Cinematic Trailer'

This animated short shows us Winston, Tracer, Reaper and Widowmaker battling for the Doomfist gauntlet.

The trailer was realised in late 2014, way before the game was released. It gives us a chance to see the characters abilities and ultimates in action. Alongside hinting at a new character (Doomfist). Its nice to see that Blizzard where thinking ahead about adding new characters before the game was even released. 

Sorry Punch Kid, but this came at number 7 for me. I really enjoyed this but i felt that there could of been more talk between the characters and not just them fighting. 

6. 'The Plan'

We make our way to Junkertown to see that Junkrat and Roadhog have been kicked out of Junkertown and try and make their way back in. 

I love this short a lot. I love the comedic side of the video and the flashy titles and animated 'theme song'. What really stand out for me in this video is funny it is. When comparing it to the other animated shorts, they all have a serious tone to them. I think Blizzard really nailed it on the head with this one. 

5. 'Dragons'

Dragons explore the history of conflict between the Shimada brothers.

Another video i found difficult to place in the this. Now i'm not a massive lover of Hanzo or Genji, but this short is beautifully animated. The way they use the Chinese paintings to fit with the characters culture and then crossing to the animation i find really beautiful. I was in aw when i first saw the dragons at the end of the video. 

4. 'Recall'

Winston hesitates to recall Overwatch. Reaper breaks in and copies the overwatch databases. After a huge fight between Winston and Reaper, Winston recalls Overwatch. 

What i love about this animated short, is how it leads to the regroup of Overwatch. This is basically the start of new things in the Overwatch world and it really does help move the story along. Blizzard have created multiple 'response' to Winston's recall message, like in Honor and Glory where Reinhardt and Brigitte are talking about him re-joining Overwatch. This animated short really does help to lead other animated shorts in the future. 

3. 'Alive'

This animated short takes us to King's Row in London. The spiritual leader Mondatta makes a special appearance. Tracer is in the audience when she notices Widowmaker about to kill Mondatta. A fight breaks out between Widowermaker, with Widowmaker successfully killing Mondatta. 

I find 'Alive' really moving. Mainly because of Widows back story. I have to say Widows character lore is my favourite, it's so moving and i feel that even though now we don't know her very well, her history makes up for it. The fight between Widow and Tracer is really intense. Not only does this story lead us into the mind of best sniper in Talon, but also leads to another story of what happens after Mondatta dies. Will there be a comic about it or a playable event? 

2. 'Rise and Shine'

After Mei wakes up from being cryogenically frozen, she discovers that all her team members have died alongside finding out that overwatch has been dismembered. Mei creates a plan to send a message for help. 

This animated short is a emotional rollercoaster. From all her co-works dying to snowball sacrificing himself to help Mei. Even though Mei is the devil, this story deserved its place at number 2. And yes may of shed a tear whilst watching this. 

1. 'Honor and Glory'

Reinhardt has just received the message from Winston calling everyone back to Overwatch. Brigitte tries to convince him not to join. Reinhardt flashes back to his days as part of the German Crusaders. 

I think its obvious why 'Honor and Glory' is my favourite. Not only do we see Reinhardt by we also get a glimpse of the newest character Brigitte. I love how the story flashes back to Reinhardt younger days, we can really get a feel of his personality and find out more about his character. We get to meet other members of the German Crusaders. After watching this i feel that i know more about Reinhardt that i do any other character. 

So what did you think of my order? This was my personal opinion on the animated shorts and i want to know if you agree with me or not? Whats your favourite animated short? Just comment below!

LD x 

Anniversary Event - New Overwatch Animation

Heya Cavalry Watch!

Overwatch released a short stop motion video yesterday promotion the Anniversary Event.

Check it out below.

You can also check out the behind the scenes video of how they made the animation. 

Second Anniversary Event - NEW MAP AND SKIN LEAKS

Heya Cavalry Watch!

Soooooo the past day and a half so much has happened! So lets catch up shall we?

1. Anniversary Event Skins - Leaked?

So i was on facebook this morning to stumbled across 'leaked' pictures of the legendary anniversary event skins. Some of them are great and some...... well you can see for yourself.

So im gonna split up the skins into what i think looks good and don't.


I really like these ones. We finally get a good look at Junkrat's Pirate skin. My word.... it looks awesome. The leg as a sword is such a nice touch.
We then have Soldier 76 which was officially released. Even though i feel that its just a regular Solider 76 skin but re painted and a different face mask, i think it still looks pretty decent.

This is the first event skin for Brigitte and its gorgeous. It's something i can Brigitte wearing and it really suits her character and matches perfectly with her character lore. 

Im in love with this Orisa skin. I think its beautiful. I love how it makes her look like a woodland creature.

This Doomfist skin is from the one of the overwatch comics. I think it looks brilliant. We only have one 'smart' skin for a character and thats Hanzo. I think it would be awesome if they did like a collection of smart wear skins for each character.

So there the skins that i think look super cool!! Now lets go through the bad ones.

I spoke about this tracer skin a few days ago. And it still hasn't grown on me. I think its just the way they have changed her hair. To me it just doesn't fit right.

Right, McCree your my bae. But what is going on with this skin? Since when was Sherlock Holmes a cowboy? I don't think i could love you as much as i do when your looking like that.

Okay, I do like this skin. (Maybe because its purple) BUT i do feel its just his regular skin painted over.

I have no words.

I feel like this skin should be something out of a horror film.

What do you think about the new skins?

2. First Look at Petra.

Overwatch have just released a new video giving us a look at the new Deathmatch Map 'Petra'
Take a look below.

Don't forget the Second Anniversary Event starts next Tuesday!! (22nd May)

LD x



Heya Cavalry Watch!

It's Fan Art Friday!

Each week I select a new character and find the some of the best fan art for everyone to enjoy.

This week it's our favourite Gorilla, Winston!

Check out these amazing works of art.

- Kururuart

- Mjtrickster

- Faebelina

- Asteltainn


Heya Cavalry Watch!

So Blizzard have just dropped a new Tracer skin for the Anniversary event....and i don't know how i feel about it.

I mean it looks great.... but its just so different. For someone who plays tracer a lot, i really don't know what to say. Compared to the other tracer skins they are all very similar, as in they all have the same hair and outfit. This has the same kinda outfit but different hair and it makes her look so different. I mean it doesn't look bad, but it's not screaming amazing to me. I dunno i guess the skin will grow on me. 

Keep an eye out for more updates when new skins get released 

LD x

NEW SKIN REVEALED! - Anniversary Event

Hiya Cavalry Watch!

Blizzard have just realised our first sneak peak of a new skin for the anniversary event. I'm hoping they will bring out a new skin every day following up to the event. That would be great as i can do like weekly build up to the anniversary event.

May i present you to......

Solider 76: VENOM SOLIDER 76

OMG, that skin looks awesome!

Make sure you follow Cavalry Watch on twitter (@cavalrywatch) for more updates when new skins get released. 

Brigitte - Character Lore

Heya Cavalry Watch!

Seeing as she is our newest hero, it was only fair we start this off with Brigitte. (However you want to pronounce it) Theres not a lot we know about Brigitte, so lets go through what we do know. 

Brigitte Lindholm is the youngest child of Torbjorn and Ingrid. She was the first child to be interested in her fathers work. She spent a lot of her time in Torbjorn workshop following the footsteps of her father. Brigitte became interested in building armour and defensive systems. As a child she created a suit of armer for her pet cat. 

Instead of continuing the work with her father, she went to travel with her Godfather, Reinhardt. Reinhardt is a close friend of the Lindholm family. He told stories of hero's and chivalry as she grew up. Reinhardt declared that he would become a knight-errant on a quest to bring justice. Brigitte asked if she could go along with him, he said yes. She considers travelling alongside him to be a great honour. 

We first see Brigitte in the comic Dragon Slayer. During the comic, Reinhardt and Brigitte stopped off in a town to obtain fuel and money, only to discover it was a ghost town. This was due to the Dragons, a group of armed scavengers. 

Reinhardt was beaten by the group and Brigitte was held back by the thugs and made to watch. After the Dragons left they returned to their transport. despite Brigitte's warnings, Reinhardt insisted on helping the people in the town. His armour was damaged i couldn't handle another battle. They both got to work on its repair. 

After Brigitte located the Dragons at a factory outside the town, Reinhardt engaged the criminals in combat. He returned to the town and declared that the town would not be bothered by them anymore. Using the scrap from the factory Brigitte gave Hanna's stuffed toy lion an 'upgrade'. She continues to travel by Reinhardt side. 

Check out the comic here:

Brigitte has appeared in the animated short Honor and Glory. 

Blizzard have also made a short vide about Brigitte Origin Story

This is all we now about Brigitte so far. Hopefully in the future she will have a comic of her own, or even her own animated short!

Come back next Wednesday for another character lore!

LD x


Heya Cavalry Watch!

Overwatch are doing a FREE WEEKEND next week! Just in time for the event.

The free weekend takes place between May 25 - May 28

Developer Update - Anniversary Event

Heya Cavalry Watch!

So a developer update was posted yesterday about the anniversary event and its got all of us pretty hyped for the anniversary event.

For those who haven't watched it yet, here is a small recap....

1. Second Anniversary Event

Turns out Overwatch now has 40 MILLION PLAYERS. How mad is that? The second anniversary event starts 22nd May.

2. We are getting a NEW MAP!

We are getting a new free-for-all death map called Petra. Jeff says that the map is beautiful. They have also added new game-play elements such as mega health pack in the middle of the map which is dangerous to get to. There are parts of the map which are great for open and short range hero's as well.

3. Free-For-All Deathmatch competitive season.

I friggin' love playing deathmatch, its my go-to when playing arcade mode to unlock those weekly loot boxes.  Im so excited that they have announced a competitive mode for this. It will take place in both Chateau Guillard and Petra. "Time to show my skills!"

4. Special Anniversary Loot Box

So what makes this years Loot Boxes so special? Not only will you get a guaranteed anniversary item, you are also able to get any item from any season event that has happened in Overwatch. So if your like me and was unable to get the Junkenstein skin or any of the dance emotes from last year, nows your chance!

5. Seasonal brawls and missions will be coming back to arcade mode.

I think that this is a great idea. I know we just spent a few weeks playing our arses off at the retribution event. But this is a great time to go back and play other seasonal events. Here is a list of modes that will be available to play during the event:

  • Junkenstein
  • Junkenstein Endless
  • Mei's Snowball Offensive 
  • LucioBall 
  • Uprising 
  • Retribution 
  • All Heros for Retribution and Uprising 
  • More to be announced
The brawls and missions will be in arcade mode and change daily. 

6. New Skins!

Now the moment we have all been waiting for...... who is getting a new skin? There are 8 new legendary skins for this event. Jeff was kind enough to give us a hint about one of the skins.....

"Theres a certain dapper looking gentlemen that you very muched asked us to see what he would look like in formal wear" 

I wonder who it could be? Leave a comment below with your guess.

7. Thank You

Jeff signs off the video with a special thank you to the community for an incredible two years. 

Now i don't know about you guys, but i'm so excited right now! Roll on the 22nd

LD x

Posting Schedule

Heya Cavalry Watch!

I have come up will a small schedule as to when i will be posting! Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Mondays - Updates

These include things like developer updates, comments on characters and maps, anything new in the overwatch world etc.

Wednesday - Character Lore

Each week i will make a profile about each character and their history.

Friday - Fan Art

I will be searching for fan art through out the week! You can even submit your own, just send me an email and yours will be featured.

I will be updates on new events and new characters as soon as they are released.

See you around!

LD x

Anniversary Release Date!! - 22ND MAY

Heya Cavalry Watch!

So Overwatch have just released a teaser video for the second anniversary event. And i'm bloody excited! Take a look at the video below.

Unfortunately i am unable to put the most recent advert, on here. But you can find it on the official overwatch facebook page. The only new skin that has been revealed so far is a pirate skin for Junkrat, which goes perfectly with Roadhog's pirate skin.

We are also able to play seasonal brawls along side unlock past seasonal items. So if your like me who was unable to get McCrees Blackwatch skin, now is your chance to get it.

The even starts 22 of May.

This is all we know so far, but we I will keep you updated on any more news or videos about the event. Make sure you follow Cavalry Watch!

Better get saving those coins!

LD x

Charity Event - BCRF - NEW MERCY SKIN

Hey There Cavalry Watch!

So Overwatch has teamed up with Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) to create a new Mercy skin. 100% of the proceeds will go towards BCRF. And of course being a Mercy Main, i had to buy it. The price is £12.79 ($17.38 roughly) and i think its worth it. Its going towards a really good charity and its such a beautiful skin. I have to say it is my favourite! I do understand that the skin is expensive. Im a student so i could just about afford it, but it was definitely worth it. However if you are unable to afford it here are few ways you can take part:

You can get your hands these cute sprays and a new player icon. All you have to do it watch certain charity streams on Twitch. During the stream the streamer will do drops of the sprays and icon. Just make sure you have connected your Twitch account to your account. If you don't have a Twitch account its super easy to make one and its free! Once you have made on go into your settings and connect your account. You have to watch either a 2, 4 or 6 hour stream and then the sprays and icon will appear on your overwatch account. 

Here are the list of streamers and times on when to watch

Blizzard have also release a limited addition t-shirt where all the proceeds go towards BCRF. This t-shirt shows Mercy in her new skin and they come in two styles, mens and women.

You can buy the t-shirts here:

And the Pink Mercy skin here to: 

The event ends 21st of May. 

If you can't afford the Pink Mercy skin, you can take part in give aways that some streamers and facebook groups are doing, such as Blackwatch group on facebook.

So what do you think of the Mercy skin? Let me know in the comments below.

LD x


Hi Guys!

Welcome to Cavalry Watch. A blog about my favourite game Overwatch. I've been meaning to do this for a while now and seeing as the second year anniversary is coming out on the 22nd of May, I thought why not start now?

So what do you expect to see on here? Anything related to Overwatch of course!

I will be posting about the lore of OW, the history of each character, new maps, animated shorts, new characters, events, fan art, you name it!

I will also be doing requests, so if you would like me to write about anything OW related, just let me know in the comments.

I am planning to post at least a few times a week so keep checking back for more content.

So i guess i should introduce myself a little. Im LaughinDino. I'm a healer, mainly Mercy. (Yes even after her nerfs). I also play Tracer and I have good knowledge of what each character can do, but some characters like Roadhog and Zaria i just can't get the hang of.

But if you love overwatch as much as i do, please share this around with your friends.

LD x

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