OW Animated Shorts RANKING.

Hiya Cavalry Watch!

It's Monday, possible the worst day of the week. So lets make it better by watching some of the overwatch animated shorts! I've had a long thought about what order i would put them in, starting with my least favourite to my favourite.

10. 'Infiltration'

In this animated short Reaper, Widowmaker and Sombra try to assisinate the CEO of Volskaya Industry. Sombra makes a deal with Katya Volskaya by blackmailing her, saying she will leak pictures of Katya working with the omnics. Katya then calls to the help of Zarya.

I put this one last because when i first watched it, i was confused. I wasn't quite sure what was going on, until i rewatched it a second time. It makes sense if you know the history of the Omnic wars in Russia.

I would of liked to see a animated short of just Sombra, maybe before she joined Talon or at least explaining her motifs for going behind Talons back. But then i guess, its her character. She's a hacker, we aren't meant to know a lot about her has she has 'deleted' her identity.

However i like how it leaves you on a cliff hanger and they have a comic to follow up.

(I also hate the Volskaya Industry map)

9.  'Hero'

This short follows a young girl called Ali, on her way to buy flour for her mothers bakery. She stumbles across a group of boys beating up an Omnic. The boys take Ali's money. Whilst running to catch up with the boys, Ali gets caught in a gang bust. One gang member pulls the pin on a grenade and Solider 76 steps in to save the day. 

I do like this animated short but i felt it was easy to guess what was going to happen next. This was one of the first animated short and i think it really sold the game. However i'm just not appealed to it as the other animated shorts in this list. 

8. 'The Last Bastion'

In this animation we see the last remaining Bastion waking up as he befriends a small bird. Through his journey through the forest, Bastion gains flashbacks to the Omnic wars.

I found this animation very moving. It was nice to see the flashback to the Omnic wars as we get a feel just to how powerful the Omnic's are and who fought in the war. Even though the Bastions where the 'bad guys' back then, it makes me feel sorry for the Bastion as he seems such a lovely Omnic. Trying to place this short was really difficult as it is one of my favourites but content wise its not as great as the other animated shorts. 

7. 'Cinematic Trailer'

This animated short shows us Winston, Tracer, Reaper and Widowmaker battling for the Doomfist gauntlet.

The trailer was realised in late 2014, way before the game was released. It gives us a chance to see the characters abilities and ultimates in action. Alongside hinting at a new character (Doomfist). Its nice to see that Blizzard where thinking ahead about adding new characters before the game was even released. 

Sorry Punch Kid, but this came at number 7 for me. I really enjoyed this but i felt that there could of been more talk between the characters and not just them fighting. 

6. 'The Plan'

We make our way to Junkertown to see that Junkrat and Roadhog have been kicked out of Junkertown and try and make their way back in. 

I love this short a lot. I love the comedic side of the video and the flashy titles and animated 'theme song'. What really stand out for me in this video is funny it is. When comparing it to the other animated shorts, they all have a serious tone to them. I think Blizzard really nailed it on the head with this one. 

5. 'Dragons'

Dragons explore the history of conflict between the Shimada brothers.

Another video i found difficult to place in the this. Now i'm not a massive lover of Hanzo or Genji, but this short is beautifully animated. The way they use the Chinese paintings to fit with the characters culture and then crossing to the animation i find really beautiful. I was in aw when i first saw the dragons at the end of the video. 

4. 'Recall'

Winston hesitates to recall Overwatch. Reaper breaks in and copies the overwatch databases. After a huge fight between Winston and Reaper, Winston recalls Overwatch. 

What i love about this animated short, is how it leads to the regroup of Overwatch. This is basically the start of new things in the Overwatch world and it really does help move the story along. Blizzard have created multiple 'response' to Winston's recall message, like in Honor and Glory where Reinhardt and Brigitte are talking about him re-joining Overwatch. This animated short really does help to lead other animated shorts in the future. 

3. 'Alive'

This animated short takes us to King's Row in London. The spiritual leader Mondatta makes a special appearance. Tracer is in the audience when she notices Widowmaker about to kill Mondatta. A fight breaks out between Widowermaker, with Widowmaker successfully killing Mondatta. 

I find 'Alive' really moving. Mainly because of Widows back story. I have to say Widows character lore is my favourite, it's so moving and i feel that even though now we don't know her very well, her history makes up for it. The fight between Widow and Tracer is really intense. Not only does this story lead us into the mind of best sniper in Talon, but also leads to another story of what happens after Mondatta dies. Will there be a comic about it or a playable event? 

2. 'Rise and Shine'

After Mei wakes up from being cryogenically frozen, she discovers that all her team members have died alongside finding out that overwatch has been dismembered. Mei creates a plan to send a message for help. 

This animated short is a emotional rollercoaster. From all her co-works dying to snowball sacrificing himself to help Mei. Even though Mei is the devil, this story deserved its place at number 2. And yes may of shed a tear whilst watching this. 

1. 'Honor and Glory'

Reinhardt has just received the message from Winston calling everyone back to Overwatch. Brigitte tries to convince him not to join. Reinhardt flashes back to his days as part of the German Crusaders. 

I think its obvious why 'Honor and Glory' is my favourite. Not only do we see Reinhardt by we also get a glimpse of the newest character Brigitte. I love how the story flashes back to Reinhardt younger days, we can really get a feel of his personality and find out more about his character. We get to meet other members of the German Crusaders. After watching this i feel that i know more about Reinhardt that i do any other character. 

So what did you think of my order? This was my personal opinion on the animated shorts and i want to know if you agree with me or not? Whats your favourite animated short? Just comment below!

LD x 

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